Creating Gender-Affirming Salon Spaces with Kristin Rankin
My guest on today’s Podcast is Toronto-based hairdresser Kristin Rankin, a salon owner at Fox & Jane and the founder of the Dresscode Project.
The salon industry is traditionally very gendered, and the Dresscode Project aims to create gender-affirming spaces through training and educating people working in the industry to give people haircuts that make them look the way they feel!
In today’s episode, we will discuss:
- What exactly the Dresscode Project does, and the impact it is having
- The concept of suitability
- Salon pricing…
And lots more!
In this Episode:
[05:50] Kristin explains how the Dresscode Project is helping to transform the hairdressing industry.
[06:45] The story behind the name Dresscode Project.
[09:23] Kristin’s experience of gender dysphoria and how it inspired them to found the Dresscode Project.
[12:22] How the Dresscode Project has grown since its founding in 2017.
[14:02] Why the creation of safer spaces is the goal of the Dresscode Project.
[16:16] Kristin shares the founding story of the Dresscode Project.
[23:33] Benefits of the partnership that the Dresscode Project has entered into with Pantene.
[26:45] How to join the other 550 salons that are part of the Dresscode Project.
[28:05] The Dresscode Project’s inclusive approach to categorizing and pricing haircuts and styles.
[38:54] How Kristin helps salons transition from gendered pricing to gender-neutral pricing.
[43:09] Why not making your salon gender-affirming is bad for business.
[45:11] The salon industry’s capacity to be gender-affirming.
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Special thanks to Kristin for sharing their insights with me for this week’s episode. Until next time!
Links and Resources:
Grow My Salon Business
Website | Facebook | Instagram | TikTok
Kristin Rankin
Dresscode Project
Website | Instagram | Facebook | Twitter
Fox and Jane