We all have people we admire for their ability to do something that we can’t do as well.
Sometimes it’s hairdressing related, or it could be in any other area of life.
Whether it’s, ‘their ability to speak another language’, or ‘playing a musical instrument’, or their ‘sporting ability’ or their ‘communication skills’ or maybe it’s their ‘business skills’ that you admire.
I always find that it’s comforting to remember that there was a point in their life when they were only as good as you are now.
But what sets them apart isn’t usually some natural god given talent. But more often than not it’s that at some point in their life ‘they made a decision’ that they wanted to master a skill and then committed to doing whatever it took to make that happen.
I am sure that they would have had to make sacrifices, they would have invested time and money to learn whatever it was.
Perhaps, they read books on the topic, or did courses to learn whatever they could.
Maybe they took on a coach or they found a mentors and sought out advice from them.
But ultimately, I am sure, that they worked dam hard at whatever it was, practising and practising and refining their skills until they had mastered it.
But whatever it was, it all started at a time where they knew as little as you do now and they made a decision to start.
And that is what you have to do too.
‘Just start’ …because that’s the hardest bit…
Just start by reading that book
Just start by enrolling in that course
Just start by making that phone call
Just start pre-booking your clients
Just start talking about home haircare
Just start talking about colour
Just start trying to put hair up…
If you just start, whatever it is that you want to get better at then you are way ahead of most people who lack the courage to even try!
Don’t put it off…The more significance attached to something in my life or business, the more I seem to put off starting it. Instead I spend a lot of time getting ready to start!
Like everyone I can be plagued by thoughts of failure, “What if it goes wrong, what if someone complains, what if there’s no interest, what if I’m not smart enough, what if I lose money …or what if I fail!”
You will fail, so get over it. Fail fast! Learn, regroup and come at it again. Because in failing are the lessons! In failing are the seeds of getting it right.
After you fail you will be one step closer to getting it right.
You will be better informed! You will have made finer distinctions, you will know what doesn't work, and you will be way ahead of those that lacked the courage to even try.
So if and when you do ‘fail’. Get back up! Dust yourself off and go at it again!
In my online Super Stylist course I talk about many things but one of the most important things to focus on is having the right mindset.
The Super Stylist course has helped many people all over the world become more successful in the hair and beauty industry and it can help you too.
We launch it 3 times a year and if you want to get on the wait list for the next launch, or are just curious about it and want to find out more visit growmysalonbusiness.com and register your interest to be notified when it’s next open for enrolment. I’m sure you’ll be glad you did.
And if you don’t already follow us, then don’t forget to follow me on Facebook and Instagram @growmysalonbusiness
Thanks for watching! Have a great week!