“Is it still working?” It doesn’t really matter what the ‘it’ I am referring to is.
Whether it’s the way you do consultations, the way you pre-book clients, the way you talk about home haircare or the way you use Instagram to market yourself. The question is, “Is it still working?”
Because, sometimes the easy option is to, ‘keep doing what you're doing just because ‘that’s what you've always done’.
But what worked ‘then’, maybe isn’t working anymore. And if that’s the case you need to question whether ‘it’s’ still serving you in the same way that it once did.
And if the answer is “NO!” Then that acceptance is the first step to changing what you do and therefore changing the outcome.
But it first starts by asking yourself the question, “Is it still working?”
And then giving yourself an honest answer. Not blaming others, and not justifying why… and not making excuses either. Just an acceptance, that ‘it’s not working anymore!’
I once read that the first step to getting a ‘break through’ is having a ‘break with’.
I take that as meaning that if you’re looking for a ‘breakthrough’, that you first need to have a ‘break with’ the way you are currently ‘thinking or doing’ things.
Once you’ve acknowledged that ‘it’s not working’ and that you need to change something, then you are already moving forward.
The next step is to have a brainstorming session, either by yourself, or with your partner, or your team and pose the question… ‘What might be some alternatives ways of achieving the outcome you want?’
Now, you are no longer stuck, you’re moving in the right direction. Keep going!
But, if it’s not working and you need some help I have an online course called ‘Super Stylist’ it has helped many people all over the world become more successful in the hair and beauty industry and it can help you too.
We launch it 3 times a year and if you want to get on the wait list for the next launch, or are just curious about it and want to find out more visit growmysalonbusiness.com and register your interest to be notified when it’s next open for enrolment. I’m sure you’ll be glad you did.
And if you don’t already follow us, then don’t forget to follow me on Facebook and Instagram @growmysalonbusiness
Thanks for watching! Have a great week!