Welcome to this special episode of ‘The Two Minute Salon Manager’.
I hope you are bearing up okay in this time of uncertainty. I think it’s the uncertainty and the chaos that accompanies it that creates fear of what the future holds.
In amongst all the hysteria, it is important that you control your own mental and emotional state if you wish to be effective and work through the current health and financial crisis that we are all facing.
We all need to stay centred and calm and have a plan to deal with the upheaval that we are all experiencing.
I think it’s the lack of control over what's happening that amplifies the uncertainty. But, there are things in life we have control over and things we have no control over. So let’s start by looking at what we do and don’t have control over.
For example;
And then there are the things that you do have control over.
For example;
There is no point investing time and emotional energy into the things that we have no control over.
The speed at which our economies, our livelihoods and sense of security and safety are changing over the last few days is like nothing that we have experienced before, and so a degree of uncertainty and fear is inevitable.
But, if we are going to get through this and come out the other end stronger and even better prepared. Then we need to make sure we adopt a positive mindset, and not buy into the fear and panic, and most importantly to focus on the things that we can control.
As a business owner, you are by default a leader. As such, people will look to you for guidance and security. To help you, I have written a 10-point Action Plan. A checklist to keep you to be focused on the positive things that you can control over the coming days and weeks.
So if you would like to download a copy of my 10 point Action Plan to help guide you through the coming weeks. Click on this link to my website growmysalonbusiness.com/freeresources and under the free resources tab there is a pdf titled ‘Coronavirus Action Plan’ as a free download.
On Tuesday 24th March on my weekly Podcast there is an interview with 3 leading industry figures.
From London, we have Sean Dawson from the Adam Reed salon.
From New York we have Virginia Meyer from the FourteenJay Salon.
And from Sydney we have Emiliano Vitale from eSalon.
They are all talking about how they are handling the pandemic situation in their respective salons, cities and countries.
You can listen to it on my website growmysalonbusiness.com or subscribe to my podcast on apple podcasts or Spotify or Stitcher…
In the meantime, please stay safe, wash your hands, choose to educate yourself, and care for those you love and lead.