10 Things great teams do
22 October 2019
Walt Disney once famously said…
“You can dream, create, design and build the most wonderful place in the world, but it takes people to make the dream a reality”.
As someone who has employed dozens of people over the years, I was always aware when I had a team of people that really clicked, both as individuals and as a team.
It takes a lot of time, effort and money to recruit, train and keep good people but when all is said and done that’s what our business is all about, ‘people’, and having a team of great people is key if you are to succeed.
So here is my list of ‘10 things great teams do’.
1. They understand they are part of a team…
Great team members understand they are part of something bigger than them alone, they know that everyone has an integral role to play in making each other and the team succeed.
2. Think like an owner…
Great team members think like an owner. They don’t waste time, or money, or product or any other salon resources and they take into consideration what is best for the long term future of the salon when making decisions.
3. Grow themselves and others…
They are always looking for opportunities to grow and improve, not just for themselves but for those around them.
Their example and passionate commitment to continually grow also inspires others on the team to do the same.
4. Hold themselves to a higher standard…
Great team recognise that they are responsible for the standards they set for themselves.
They are always striving to raise their own standards and improve their own performance.
5. Resolve issues before they are issues…
They proactively and calmly deal with challenges as they happen and seek to resolve problems professionally and with a positive outcome for everyone concerned.
6. Open and honest…
Great team members understand that awkward situations still need to be dealt with. So, they find kind and caring ways to discuss uncomfortable situations with others, for the benefit of all concerned.
7. Spread happiness…
They look on the bright side of life, always looking for the upside in any situation, but at the same time keeping it real.
They understand the everyday challenges and dynamics of people, salon stress, and the blend of work life and friendship.
They radiate positive energy even in stressful times and share it around the rest of the team.
8. Avoid drama…
Great teams don’t buy into the drama that some people are prone to.
They keep a proper perspective on problems and focus on finding a solution not creating unnecessary drama and in so doing diffuse situations before they get out of control.
9. Commercial reality
They have a commercial reality about their approach to productivity and demonstrate a balanced approach to ensure that every client is given 100% of their professional advice and recommendations without ever feeling oversold.
10. Step out of their comfort zone
Great team members continually strive to experience new challenges and aren’t afraid to feel awkward or uncomfortable if they don’t always achieve the ideal result.
Great teams recognise that the key to growth is trying new ways of thinking and acting and stepping out of their comfort zone and being exposed to new experiences is all part of their continual evolvement as a salon professional.
So as a next step, why don’t you either use my 10 points or get your team to come up with their own list of 10 points and then ask yourselves as individuals and as a team, “How can we do it even better?”
Thank you for watching…
Have a great week
Do you talk ‘Team’, but reward the ‘Individual’?
24 September 2019
Do you talk ‘Team,’ but reward the ‘Individual’?
That’s what many salon owners do, they talk, … “Team this, team that, and team the other.” But in reality, all the reward, training, and feedback is aimed at the ‘individual.’
If you talk ‘Team’ …you must reward the ‘Team’?
I’m not saying that individuals shouldn’t be rewarded, and given individualised training and feedback, of course they should be.
But, if you really want to set up a team culture that is more than just a ‘buzz word’ it requires a more holistic approach.
First, you have to start by setting some team goals and objectives, then you need a plan to turn them into reality.
What goals do ‘YOU’ want the team to achieve this week, this month, this year? And just as importantly, what goals do the ‘TEAM’ want to achieve this week, this month, this year?
So, in what areas should you and your team be setting goals in?
For me, there are 4 key areas. The first is…
1. Team Productivity goals.
For example;
- What weekly total client count is the goal as a team?
- What weekly total service revenue is the goal as a team?
- What weekly retail revenue is the goal as a team?
- What weekly percentage of all clients should have colour is the goal for the team?
- What weekly percentage of all clients should pre-book their next appointment is the goal for the team?
The second area is…
2. Team Creative goals.
Many of your team will be motivated and inspired by goals that fulfill their creative needs.
- So what shows or seminars do you want to attend or participate in as a team?
- What awards do you want to win, or enter as a team?
- What other creative goals could your team have?
The third area is…
3. Team Learning goals.
Everyone on your team will be at different stages of their career development, but everyone needs to be a continual learner.
- What new skills or knowledge do you as a team want to learn?
- What hairdressing oriented skills would you like to learn as a team?
- What non-hairdressing oriented skills would you like to learn as a team?
And the fourth area is…
4. Team Fun goals.
In many cases, you will spend more time with your team than with your family and loved ones, so it’s important that you have fun at work.
- As a team, what fun things do you want to do?
- What fun things do you want to see as a team?
So that's 4 areas that you could set ‘team’ goals in.
Team training
Once you have defined and set the team goals, then you have to follow up with relevant team training – especially for the productivity goals.
You can’t set team productivity goals, and expect them to just happen. To give the ‘goal’ the best chance of success you need to make sure the team have had the best possible training.
The goals you have set, combined with your own observations as to what skills the team lack, will determine what training is required. But as they are ‘Team Goals’ ask the team what training they feel they need.
Finally, how are you going to reward the team and celebrate the team achievements?
Team rewards or celebrations
What rewards can you give the team for achieving the team goals?
You could split a bonus equally between all the team members.
You could buy brunch for the team.
You could pay for the team to attend an industry event, for example – a show or awards event.
You could take the team out for dinner. Or take the team for an overnight stay at a country retreat.
Take the team to attend a concert together. Or take the team out for a massage or manicure. Or take the team out to a ‘big game.’ I’m sure you get the idea.
If you haven’t already got it I suggest you read my book ‘GROW 3 Team’ where there is a lot more about building a ‘team culture.
Thank you for watching…
Have a great week!
The cycle of teams
30 July 2019
What part of the ‘cycle’ is your team in?
Teams aren’t always on a high or a low. I read somewhere once that ‘teams are like the seasons there’s a winter, a summer, an autumn and a spring’ and with every season comes new opportunities, new challenges, and new life. Admittedly some seasons might last longer than others.
But the very nature of teams is that they are a living thing and therefore they are in a perpetual state of change, where they are constantly evolving into the next thing.
Teams are made up of people, and people come and go. People have good days and bad days. And people have lives outside the team, that have an effect on what happens inside the team.
People are emotional and sometimes dramatic, but it’s also that emotion and drama that brings life and energy to the team.
Sometimes people leave the team and the morale and energy of the team might appear to leave with them, and for those left, the team morale can be at a low point.
That’s when questions are asked of those remaining. Those questions give a renewed focus, a renewed purpose and a renewed commitment to the vision for the way forward.
If you are left on the team when others leave, now it might be your turn to shine. One of the questions you have to ask of yourself is, “Do I have what it takes to help rebuild the team?”
When people leave the team it can be a good thing for everyone, as often it gives others the opportunity to shine and grow into a new position. To take on new and bigger responsibilities and spread their wings.
If you have a management role, that is one of your jobs, ‘to guide the team and the ‘individuals in it’ through the various stages of growth and change.’
If you’re not in a management role but a member of the team, then your job is to evolve and grow by contributing in a positive way and to embrace change in the ongoing development of the team.
But, building a great Team is not about something ‘you do and it’s done,’ it’s a constant and never-ending journey.
And everyone on the team is part of the solution or part of the problem in the constant evolving or reinvention of the team.
The very nature of teams is that they are about reinvention. No matter how successful the team is, you can’t always stay on top, often your real success is determined by how well you can constantly come back, hopefully, bigger and better.
Are you the King (or Queen) of feedback?
23 July 2019
Are you the King [or Queen] of feedback?
Feedback is letting people know how they are performing, and one of the most effective ways of developing your team is ensuring you ‘give and get’ regular feedback.
It’s important that you don’t assume that feedback is always about ‘telling people what they are doing wrong’, it isn’t! It’s as much about, ‘telling them what they are doing right!’
People need to know how they are performing…
They may not always want to know, or like, what they hear! But they need to know.
Likewise, if you are a manager. You need to know from them, how they are progressing, what they are feeling and any challenges they may be having.
Most managers are nervous about giving feedback, especially if it is about telling someone what they are doing wrong.
However, if you are someone who is always giving and receiving feedback then everyone will come to expect it.
So how do you give effective feedback?
Like everything, there are a few points you should consider if you want to give yourself the best chance of getting the result you want. Here’s 8 things to remember.
The first point is…
Step 1: Feedback should be a positive experience for everyone
Remember, that as a manager the reason you are giving feedback is to reinforce or improve the situation or performance of an individual. So the attitude with which you give feedback will have a huge influence on the end-result.
People respond better, if your approach is positive, and focused on improvement. If you are negative, sarcastic or condescending, then you won’t achieve the outcome you seek.
However, that isn’t to say that there isn’t a time to be angry, there is! And if it is appropriate show it. But don’t make anger your standard approach. If it is, all you will achieve is individuals who are demotivated, disillusioned and fearful of doing anything in case they incur your rage.
I believe that most people want to do well, they want to please you. But, I also believe most people are highly sensitive to being put down.
The wrong approach will get their defences up and they will go straight into justification or denial mode. And then the only thing they will take away from the conversation will be the negative.
The second thing to remember when giving feedback is…
Step 2: Timing is everything…
Sometimes it is not appropriate to give someone immediate feedback. As a rule though, ‘the closer the feedback is to the event, the better’, by doing that the facts aren’t distorted by the passing of time.
The exception to this is, if people have become emotionally charged. If that is the case it is best to allow a little time to let everyone cool off, then it is less likely to result in someone saying or doing something that is later regretted.
The third thing to remember is…
Step 3: Don’t store it up…
Giving constructive feedback is not about storing up all this ‘stuff’ to unleash on some poor unsuspecting soul. You don’t want to attack and demoralise anyone, so don’t store it up, deal with it when and as things happen.
The fourth thing is…
Step 4: Think it through, and stick to the facts
It’s easy to be spontaneous and casual when giving people positive feedback.
However, when you are dealing with an issue that involves letting someone know that something is unsatisfactory and needs to change, you need to be more prepared.
Think through what you will say in advance. This will keep you focused on the issue at hand and not let you get sidetracked. Stick to the facts and don’t make sweeping generalisations.
The fifth thing to remembers is…
Step 5: Praise in public, criticise in private
Use every opportunity to reinforce positive behaviour or results in front of clients or colleagues.
The opposite applies if you are giving constructive criticism of someone’s performance or behaviour, that should always be done in private. Making people feel inadequate by humiliating them in front of their colleagues will achieve nothing positive.
The sixth point to remember is…
Step 6: If nothing changes …nothing changes
Set clear next steps and expectations of the changes in the behaviours and results that you expect to see.
If you are the manager, your job is to provide clear direction as to what needs to be done to address the situation.
The crux of the message should be that you are there to help them grow and develop, and that you will do whatever you can to help, but that, ‘you can’t do it for them.’
The seventh step is…
Step 7: Follow up
There is no point in having a little ‘Pow-Wow’ with people if nothing changes afterwards.
When the purpose of feedback is to improve performance, it is essential that there is follow-up to ensure that the required ‘change’ is being followed through, and that there is improved performance as a result.
And finally the 8th step is…
Step 8: Tick all the boxes
Last step in the process is to document your conversations and keep a record of what has been agreed, what is working and what needs to be modified.
Giving people feedback on how they are performing in their job shouldn’t be confined to an annual appraisal. It is essential that you are constantly giving feedback, that you notice everything and comment all the time.
That way any problems never get out of hand, and there are no surprises.
5 steps for building a great salon culture
4 June 2019
What’s the ‘culture’ like in your salon? I suppose the obvious question to ask is, “What do I mean by ‘culture’?”
I usually answer by saying something like, “The culture in your salon is the result of the accepted standards, the behaviors, the values, and the habits that exist within your team.”
Every business automatically has a culture, but as the owner, if it’s not a culture that you have consciously defined – it will just happen on its own. And if that’s the case, then it probably won’t be what is best for the business, it will just be what is easiest for the people who work there.
So when it comes to ‘Culture’ define it, or it will define you.
So if you are an owner or manager, one of your many jobs is to define the culture you want and to nurture it, and protect it. Because your people will come and go, but your business needs to stand for something, that’s what the culture is. And you don’t want the culture to come and go with the people.
So, here is my top 5 list of actions you can do to develop ‘your salon culture’.
At number 1, it’s…
1. If you permit it, you promote it.
Accepted or tolerated behaviors determine the culture. It’s not just about’ what you do’, it’s also about ‘what you don’t do’ that determines the culture in the salon.
You have to be prepared to stand up and defend what is important to you and your team, if you don’t, you’re permitting it, and by permitting it, you’re promoting it.
At number 2 it’s,
2. Define and communicate your core values
Values are ‘what’s important to you’. So, ‘what is important to you?’
If you are on a team where everyone shares the same values it becomes a reference for decision making and leaves everyone on the team with no doubt about what is expected of them.
But, you first have to define exactly what your values are and then communicate them to your team.
So, what are your values, what is important to you?
At number 3 it’s…
3. Get rid of the ‘staff room terrorists’!
If you have people on your team who constantly undermine you, then you have an obligation to act and ‘get rid of them’. Because as hard as you are trying to build and nurture the salon culture, the ‘staff room terrorist’ is destroying it!
So if you can’t change them, it’s time to get rid of them.
At number 4 it’s…
4. You are a teacher…
Almost everyone wants and needs the opportunity to grow and move forward in their career.
You need to offer training and development opportunities to show that you are committed to their education and advancement.
Remember as your team grows in ability, so will the business grow.
And finally, my 5th step to defining your salon culture is understanding that
5. It’s more than just a job
Building a great salon culture is about creating more than just a job for the people that are on your team.
People also want connection, they want to feel important and, they want security, and the need to grow and contribute.
Your business is a place where people have the opportunity to become who they could be.
So, in order for them to realise their full potential as people, it needs to be more than ‘just a job’!
So, look back over my 5 points and ask yourself, “what are 3 practical steps you can do today to build a better culture in your business?”
Thank you for watching…
I hope you got something out of today.
If this has been helpful and you would like to find out more about what we do then visit and make sure that you read GROW 2 Management and GROW 3 Team as there are lots of valuable ideas in there which will be of help develop the culture you want.
And if you don’t already subscribe to ‘The Two Minute Salon Manager’ you can do so at
Have a great week!
Do you own your attitude?
28 May 2019
Do you own your attitude? Or do you let other people determine how you feel?
An attitude is a ‘feeling’ an ‘emotional state’, and we all have ultimate control over the attitude that we have and the way that we feel.
The problem is that many people give the power of ‘how they feel’ away to others, and if there is one thing you want to have control over, it’s how you feel!
Whether you are the team leader, or a member of the team, your attitude will determine how successful you are in life…
Your attitude will determine how the team you are on will perform and support each other…
Your attitude will determine the clientele you have…
Your attitude will determine what you learn in life…
Your attitude will determine how much money you make in life…
You have control of your attitude…
I say to my youngest daughter “No one else determines how you ‘feel’ unless you give them permission to.”… Predictably, she now she says it back to me.
Granted, you don’t always have control over the events that happen to you in life, but you do have total control over the meaning that you attach to those events.
To illustrate the point, if someone on the team is being lazy and not helping out, that is an event [or series of events] that you may not have any control over.
However, you do have absolute control over how you let that make you feel…
For example…
You may choose to let that make you feel, ‘angry’ because it’s not showing teamwork, and it’s giving you more to do…
Or, you may choose to feel, ‘curious’ as to why they are not helping out…
Or, you may choose to feel, ‘pity’ for them as they are missing out on the feeling of being part of what team work really means.
Or, you may even choose to feel, ‘happy’, because you know that you – and others on the team, will get some future reward and acknowledgement that they won’t…
The key to how you feel is this;
”What are you thinking about, what is it that you’re focusing on?”
Because that is what will determine how you are feeling, and what you are ‘thinking about’ and ‘focusing on’ you have absolute control over.
So remember – no one else determines how you ‘feel’ unless you give them permission too.
The number 1 most important thing that will determine your success in hairdressing and in life, is your ‘attitude’ so take control of it, own it.
Thank you for watching…
Have a great week!
You have enormous courage!
12 February 2019
“You have enormous courage!”
Seriously, I really congratulate you for having the courage to do what you do every day.
Whoever you are and whatever you do, I know that every day you take risks, you step out of your comfort zone and try new things, do new things, and that my friend takes courage!
It doesn’t matter what your title is…
You might be an assistant, you might be a stylist, or you may be a manager, a creative director or an owner, but it’s all relative. The title is just a name, the courage is still the same.
I know that every day you have to be prepared to do things, new things, make new decisions, have new conversations, meet new people and sometimes leave others behind, and all that takes courage.
You’re stepping out of your comfort zone every day…
If you’re an assistant, it might be doing your first shampoo [I can remember mine like it was yesterday].
If you’re a stylist it might be that important client you’re seeing for the first time, or maybe you are going on-stage to present your work for the first time.
Or perhaps you are about to open your first salon, do your first photo shoot, or enter your first competition…
Whatever it is, you’re growing, you’re stepping out of your comfort zone and daring to do more, and be more, and all that takes courage.
It takes courage to be you…
It takes courage to do your first haircut
It takes courage to try a new colour
It takes courage to resign from where you work
It takes courage to employ a new staff member
It takes courage to change suppliers
It takes courage to change accountants
It takes courage to fire someone
It takes courage to complain
It takes courage to go for a new job
It takes courage to bounce back after rejection
It takes courage to put your prices up
It takes courage to put your prices down
It takes courage to deal with conflict
It takes courage to change your mind
It takes courage to be you…
There was a famous American painter and poet by the name of E.E.Cummings who once said “It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.”
I like that, because nobody can be you better than you can.
Thank you for watching…
Have a great week!
Life’s too short!
20 November 2018
Life’s too short to put up with people on your team who take all the joy out of coming to work.
Whether you are a salon owner or an employee life is too short to keep having to accommodate the ‘staff room terrorist.’
You know the type I mean. The individuals hell bent on ruining it for everyone, often with slightly above average ability, but with supercharged ego’s they run amok and destroy team morale and poison everyone in their path.
I’m sure you have come across them at some stage, they exist in salons everywhere.
I occasionally still meet them in other peoples salons, unfortunately I even employed the odd one over the years, they don’t start out like that but for whatever reason left unchecked they are cancerous to the business and if you let them be, they will do untold damage in the process.
You can’t change people…
but they can change themselves …if they want to. The problem is, often they don’t want to.
They lack the courage to do it on their own, they lack the respect to follow the leader …and they lack the common sense to see that they are destroying their own reputation in the process.
Often the manager has let them get out of control through some misguided idea that because they are creative people you have to accept ‘superstar ego’s’ that go with it, nothing could be further from the truth.
But the challenge then becomes, “How to get them back as a valuable part of the team?”. Often it’s not possible to reign their out of control ego’s back in, the damage has been done and the energy and time you will then be spending on that ‘one person’ is out of all proportion to what you will ever get back.
Why have they become like this…
Often it’s because they think that’s how they are meant to behave, so with no parameters they start to think of themselves as far more creative, far more important, far more valuable, far more …of everything than what they actually are.
The real shame is that, ‘often if these people were managed properly from the outset they respond really well to it’. But, you have to be firm and you have to be consistent from day one and they then have the potential to become far better than they will left up to their own unchecked out of control ego’s.
They may not always like it, but hopefully they might recognise that they need it to become the person that they want to be and are capable of.
The really talented people…
in any industry are usually, extremely professional, positive, very hard working, respectful of others, and with a humility about their ability.
People like that are a real pleasure to be around.
When you have someone like this on your team, ask yourself, “What can I learn from this?”
I always look for the positive message, when you have people like this on your team, it’s not just about their short comings, ‘it’s also about you’, So what can you learn from the situation? Because if you don’t learn from it, then it will inevitably happen again.
So ask yourself
- What have you done, or not done, as the owner or manager that has let it get this far?
- Did you employ them on the wrong criteria? For example because they looked good or were technically competent and not based on their attitude?
- Did you give them a written job description?
- Did you give them a proper induction and explain the salon culture and values?
- Did you give them regular feedback, appraisals and target meetings?
- Do you have a proper procedure for coaching and issuing verbal warnings?
- Did you let it go on for too long because you didn’t know how to reel them in?
- Do you feel trapped because they bring in a good revenue?
Life really is too short to put up with it…
Occasionally I meet salon owners who have lost the joy, the passion for their business because of people on their team who are destroying it from within.
It’s never worth it, take control, give them ultimatums, don’t make threats you are not prepared to carry out, get the right legal advice and manage them out of the business, firmly but fairly, you’ll never regret it.
Do you teach them or tell them?
9 October 2018
Do you teach them or tell them?
My wife is better with computers than I am. So, if I am having a problem with something I will usually ask her and she usually ‘TELLS’ me how to do it.
On the other hand, if I go to the Apple store [which I do a lot] they ‘TEACH’ me how to do it. [I love the apple store :-)]
Telling someone how to do something isn’t going to work if they haven’t been taught both the ‘how and the why’ first.
So, just because you tell your team to sell retail, to rebook or up-sell additional services doesn’t mean they know ‘how’ and certainly doesn’t mean that they will.
That applies to you too, just because you tell yourself that you need to ‘start or stop’ something, doesn’t mean that you can or will if you lack the sufficient skills.
Training is the key…
The most successful people or businesses in any industry, recognise that to be successful, it is essential to invest both time and money in growing your people, and that means continual training in every aspect of the job.
Often salon owners will say to me, “But I can’t find good people”. Don’t make the mistake of always thinking that you can’t afford to employ the calibre of person that you need.
More often than not, the key is to look for people who have the ‘right attitude’ first and then train them to have the skills you require. There’s a great expression, “Recruit for attitude and train for skill.”
If you look at any of your favourite brands, whether it’s Apple or Starbucks or a favourite brand in any other sector, you will see that those that succeed recognise that to deliver a consistent product and experience synonymous with the brand requires people that are well trained. So they continually invest the resources of time, money and people to ensure that they can consistently deliver the calibre of service or product promised.
So, how much do you budget for training?
I was told once that apparently McDonalds reinvest approximately 15% of their revenue back into training their people. I don’t know if that’s an accurate figure or not but you can be sure that they invest a massive percentage of sales back into training.
Whether you like McDonalds or not is irrelevant, but you have to recognise that one of the strengths of McDonalds is that no matter where in the world you visit their restaurants they offer a consistent product and experience.
The reason they are able to do that is because they ensure that their people have the skills needed to deliver both the product, and the experience consistently, and they achieve that because of the time and money they invest in training their people.
So, how do you compare? How much do you invest in training your team to become the people you need them to be? Because there is little point in ‘demanding’ that your people perform to the standards that you dream about if you are not prepared to invest the time, the money, and people resources to train them to be able to perform to the standards you want.
So, what about you?
How much do you invest in training yourself to become the person you want to become, and earning what you want to earn?
Regardless of whether you are an owner, manager or employee, ultimately it is not someone else's responsibility to turn you into the person you want to be.
When all is said and done, that responsibility lies with you, no one else owes you anything, so what seminars, what books or other resources are you investing in to turn ‘you’ into the person ‘you’ want to be?
There is a great quote from Nelson Mandela who said, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”.
It’s the same for your salon too.
Thank you for watching…
I hope this has been helpful, and if you don’t already subscribe to “The Two Minute Salon Manager” you can do so by visiting or opt in @
And if don’t already do so I suggest that you follow me on Instagram and Facebook @growmysalonbusiness
Have a great week!
How should I motivate my team?
28 August 2018
“How should I motivate my team?”
I’m probably asked that question more than any other.
If the way you currently try and do it involves screaming louder, pushing harder and relentlessly badgering people to produce better results, good luck with that because it won’t work, or if it does, it won’t last.
People can be pushed to get things done but when you stop pushing so do the results. If the habit you have taught, is to produce results in order to avoid getting yelled at, when the yelling stops so do the results.
And if your salon culture is built on screaming or badgering people to get results what is the likelihood that a place like that would genuinely attract good people, inspire them and build a positive happy and loyal culture? Slim to none I imagine.
You could try creating healthy competition instead…
In a hairdressing salon another and better way to motivate people is to create competition by sharing and comparing results. Sharing the individual team members results of rebooking, retail or service figures on the staff room notice board at the end of each week and you will soon see nobody wants to be at the bottom.
Many people will respond to that type of competition and in the short term at least this may work. The problem is that like all competitions you can only have one real winner which means most of the team are effectively losers?
Some people will use ‘losing' to motivate themselves to try harder next time, but others give up and don’t try at all which has a big negative impact on the rest of the team. The problem is that in a business you don’t want only one winner, you want the whole team and ‘The business’ to be the winner and nobody a loser.
The other downside of competitions is that you are trying to develop a team of people that help and support each other, it’s hard to create that team dynamic when at the same time you are competing against each other.
So, what is the key to long term results?
When your team learn to embrace their own achievement they get addicted to it. If you can coach and encourage them, if you can develop and nurture them to rejoice in their achievement you will create lasting results that yelling or pitting them against one another would never achieve.
Left to their own devices, most people are unable to manage and motivate themselves to perform to the levels that you would like them to. But those that can, or those that with guidance and encouragement can learn to, will produce amazing results.
A really successful business happens when you are able to get the people on your team to realise the benefits of mutual support and the understanding that they are part of something bigger and that they control their direction.
When you can do this, you give people and the business an amazing platform to grow from.
In a successful business, motivation is not about producing a short term result. The real goal is to create a business that is hooked on achievement, self reward, support and recognition for everyone.
So what are some practical next steps? I think it’s important to get your team involved so I suggest that you brainstorm with your team these 3 questions:
- As a team, how can you support each other more?
- As a team, what is the best way to motivate each other?
- As a team, how can you embrace and celebrate our every achievement?
Thank you for watching…
I hope you have got something out of today… If you haven’t already got it I suggest that you read my books GROW 2 Management and GROW 3 Team
Have a great week!