D'Artanian Dior
“I've been hairdressing for about 30 years and I've had my business for just over 10 years.
Initially the thing that held me back from enrolling in the Money course was the cost and the time commitment. But, as it’s Antony's course I knew it would be worth every cent so I made the time to do it because he’s a fantastic educator and he explains things very well.
So I just jumped in and invested in the course for my financial education. Because I believe that you have to invest in yourself and learn to understand the financial side of your business.
When I opened my first salon I didn't have a lot of business education so doing this course gave me a better grounding and better understanding of the numbers. So I’m glad that I did it before it's too late.
Antony explains everything really clearly. He breaks everything down to small bite size pieces that I understand and that has really helped me in my business to be able to communicate clearer to other professional people, so that I understand what they mean.
The course has benefited me a lot, especially during the negotiation of a business takeover where I was coming out with these numbers and that made me feel good because I understood what I was talking about and that was because I’d done the money course.
In the future, when I do a bigger negotiation, I'm definitely going to be much more grounded with what I have learnt.
If I had to pick the most helpful thing from the course for me, it's probably the cash flow forecasting and the importance of planning ahead so that you know where you're going to be in a month's time, what the bills are that you have to pay, and knowing what expenses you may need to be cutting back on.
I wish I had understood that earlier, because I think it's very important.
The other big thing for me was pricing, because of the course I was able to create the correct pricing for my own clientele.
Previously I’d worked for a few top salons, so when I went into business on my own I was just making up my pricing based on where I worked before. So my prices were really based on what they were charging. But the course has helped me understand how to price services properly.
I also found the coaching very beneficial, I was able to ask questions on the course platform and Antony would respond to individual questions.
I learnt a lot about understanding the profit and loss report and the profit margins. So now I can confidently look through my expenses, what is costing me and what needs to be cut down.
Before I wasn't able to do that, or really understand why I needed to make changes, but now I have been able to reduce all unnecessary costs for my business, which means that I am more profitable and can invest more in the business if I choose to.
The course has helped me understand the financial side of my business and I now have a better understanding of the terminology, which has meant that I'm better able to communicate with my accountant. I think he’s a bit surprised! But he feels confident that I know my business a bit more, rather than just constantly asking “What do you mean by this?” Or, “Can you explain that to me?”
My accountant knows I'm doing a money course, and he is very supportive, because now I know more about what I'm talking about. So yeah, I feel good and all grown up!
Investing in the course has been a great decision and good value, it's so worth it. And like I said, Antony’s a very good educator and he explains complicated things so that they are very easy things to understand,
So, do what I did, get started, ask lots of questions and just focus on it one bit at a time.
You just have to make sure that you have the right mindset and self discipline to work through it.
I'm investing in myself, and for the future of my business so that I am better prepared and stronger.
If you want business success it's all about being focused. You have to do this.
It's Antony. So, you know it can't get any better than Antony!”